Lubritech do Brasil has just performed a maintenance to oil mist systems and Thermojet oil purifiers in a very important Gas Plant in Brazil. As part of our scope, we provided a training session for more than 30 employees of our customer.
We covered the following topics:
Los temas contemplados fueron:
- Oil Mist Lubrication. How it Works.
- Operational and Maintenance best practices.
- Thermojet Oil Purifier. Removal of water, particles, gases and varnish.
From Lubritech do Brasil, training was performed by Elton Viana with support of Ilmar Macedo.
We would like to thank our customer for this opportunity, and we share with all of you that we have available training material in our webite
We share some pictures of the training session. If you want to receive more information, don’t hesitate in sending us an email at; or sending a text to WhassApp at +34 616 54 70 86.