In this video we will see what the root causes of failures in centrifugal pumps are.

Failures due to bearings and mechanical seals are the most important as contributors to negatively impacting the reliability of centrifugal pumps. Within the failures due to bearings, the greatest impact is the presence of particles in the lubrication. Throughout the next videos, we will see how oil mist lubrication manages to solve the problem of the presence of particles in the lubricant, which causes the greatest number of failures due to bearings. We will also see that failures classified as caused by “mechanical seals” are also reduced.

In summary, and as we mentioned in the previous post, the MTBF of centrifugal pumps is greatly improved when oil mist lubrication is applied.

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This section compares the MTBF of centrifugal pumps in different industries and regions of the world, to visualize the opportunity for improvement. Remember that the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) measures the frequency of failures or interventions in centrifugal pumps. This KPI is used to compare both the availability and reliability of a mechanical element. The higher this value, the better the reliability and availability indicators.

Although statistics from about 8 years ago are shown, it can be noted that there is a wide range of these values ​​when comparing different regions and markets. It is highly remarkable that the best indicators are found in “best of class” pumps in the Texas area, where oil mist lubrication is a standard practice among all users. A good way to view this slide is to understand that if you have an MTBF of less than 6 years, by applying mist lubrication, you will be able to improve this indicator, even if you think that the pumps do not fail due to lubrication problems.


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Some years ago, our Company arranged an online Webinar about Oil Mist Lubrication. It was performed
by Heinz Bloch, world leader in rotating equipment reliability. During this show, we were able to share
with attendees the vast experience of Mr. Heinz Bloch and some applications our company did for the

We are going to publish some extracts of this webinar in different posts. You will be able to get answers
for different questions about Oil Mist Lubrication, benefits, applications, etc.
We invite you to follow under the hashtag #HeinzBlochSicelub. Below, the first video.

You can leave your comments here, visit our webpage at
lubritech-group/#tab-id-1 , or asking for more information to our email