In our Company, experience and knowledge is a great value for us and our customers. As we are lubrication specialists, we add value to our customer processes improving reliability, availability of rotating equipment.

Each or our entities in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, and Perú has professionals with more than 15 years of experience in lubrication, especially in Oil Mist Lubrication, Oil Purifiers, High Velocity Oil Flushing, Varnish Removal, etc.

Even this background can be showed in daily operations, it is very important to have a knowledge certificate from a third part.

For that, we have been working in a Certification Program with ICML ( This entity offers different certifications in Machinery Lubrication, Oil Analysis among others.

We have currently 9 certified professionals in Argentina, Brazil, Spain and Perú. We want to congratulate them for reaching this milestone!

Our certified personell is:


César Zulatto, Sergio Brian and Cristian Schmid from Lubritech Argentina.

Leonardo Cardoso and Ricardo Bispo from Lubritech do Brasil.

Aitor García from Sicelub Ibérico.

Carlos Arévalo and José Zavala from Lubritech Perú.

We continue with this process to incorporate more people to ICML certification to different levels. Technicians of the day to day in the field, but also operational, sales, management team. We all together can help our customers to identify improvements in their plants.

If you want to know more about this topic or our solutions, please send an email to; visit our website, or send a WhassApp message to +34 616 54 70 86.

During April, May and June, we have performed several services in our Brazilian Company, Lubritech do Brasil. The market has been asking for more services, and our team has been working in a hard way, in order to deliver. We have also counted with the support of our colleagues from Lubritech Perú, and Lubritech Argentina.

Main services we have performed are:

  • High efficiency Filtration Service in 9 Gas and Steam Turbine, in a big Power Plant. We have filtered around of 45,000 Gallons of Oil in 30 days, using 40 GPM filtration skids until achieving ISO Code 17/15/12.


  • High Velocity Oil Flushing in 2 reciprocating and centrifugal compressors in an important Refinery of Sao Paulo State. We have used equipment of 500 GPM achieving the highest standards of quality.



  • High Velocity Oil Flushing Service in a Gas Compressor and Centrifugal Pumps in an Off-Shore Platform. Even the logistic was a challenge, we were able to do a great job!


We would like to thank to our Customer and our team for their commitment. We share some pictures, and if you want to have additional information, please reach us at; send an email to; or write a WhatsApp message to +34 616 54 70 86.


Sicelub Iberico has been performing several services in the Industry in Spain, different areas like Refineries, Chemical Plants, Power Plants, Gas Compression Plants and Sugar Plan. Different scopes like High Velocity Oil Flushing, Filtration Services, achieving excellent results in Safety, Quality and Efficiency. We would like to say thanks to our customers, our team.

We share some pictures. If you need more information about our services, visit, or send an email to

Lubritech do Brasil has just performed a maintenance to oil mist systems and Thermojet oil purifiers in a very important Gas Plant in Brazil. As part of our scope, we provided a training session for more than 30 employees of our customer.

We covered the following topics:

Los temas contemplados fueron:

  • Oil Mist Lubrication. How it Works.
  • Operational and Maintenance best practices.
  • Thermojet Oil Purifier. Removal of water, particles, gases and varnish.


From Lubritech do Brasil, training was performed by Elton Viana with support of Ilmar Macedo.

We would like to thank our customer for this opportunity, and we share with all of you that we have available training material in our webite

We share some pictures of the training session. If you want to receive more information, don’t hesitate in sending us an email at; or sending a text to WhassApp at +34 616 54 70 86.


During March, we received in South America to Mr. Scott Hill and Mr. Todd Cass, President and Vice President of Reladyne Reliability Services. Last time they visited us was in 2019, before pandemic started.

In this trip, we were in Lubritech do Brasil and Lubritech Argentina, we had internal meetings with our sales, operational and administrative team, and we also visited customers and strategic partners for our business in South America.

The team presented strategic and tactic plans for Brazil, Argentina and Perú, and we reviewed safety, financial, commercial and operational KPI’s, that show the strong growing of Grupo Sicelub Lubritech in the last 4 years.

We highlight all the innovative services and products that introduce to the market, like Chemical Cleaning and High Velocity Oil Flushing during Commissioning, Varnish Mitigation Services, On-line filtration of Thermal Oil, and Services in Wind Power Industry. All this information is in our section “News” in our web page

It is very important to note that Corporate has been supporting Grupo Sicelub Lubritech with investment for increase our service ability, open new Service Centers in these Countries, to closer to our key customers.

From Grupo Sicelub Lubritech we would like to thanks our Management Team for this visit, and also to our Team in South America for the commitment, preparation of agenda and all the presentations.

We want to share to our customers that we hope to be better prepared for delivering services with Safety and Quality. If you want to know more about Grupo Sicelub Lubritech, you can reach us at or send us a WhassApp to +34 616 54 70 86.

We attach some pictures of the trip.


Grupo Sicelub Lubritech is celebrating a great milestone. We have reached 1,000 followers in our LinkedIn page! We are very happy of sharing our news, projects and achievements with all of you.

Since two years ago, we launched a renewed web site, and since then, we have committed to keep it updated with news of our projects, hirings and more. We want that our followers are updated with all relevant news in our company and lubrication market.

We invite you to follow us in our social media, so, you can have latest updates of Grupo Sicelub Lubritech. You can also visit our web site and contact us if you are interested in working with us. You can send an email to, or a WhassApp message to +34 616 54 70 86.

We are committed to provide best services and products in lubrication engineering to our customers, and we hope that we can collaborate with you in the future.

Thanks a lot for your support and for follow us in LinkenIn!

Grupo Sicelub Lubritech was present in the 8° Fórum Estratégico de Generación de Energía Eléctrica, TermoGen 2023, on March 2nd in Rio do Janeiro, Brazil. This is one of the major meetings for Power Gen in Latin America, and we presented technical data for “Varnish Control and removal in Turbines”. This event had the participation of the best players for power gen market OEM’s.


Our Company believes that being part of this meetings will help our customers to improve their reliability and availability for power generation.


Leonardo Cardoso performed the presentation in representation of Lubritech do Brasil.


Lubricant oil can be used as a thermal transfer fluid, commonly known as Hot Oil; in different applications in Gas Production Plants, Asphalts heating, Termosolar Power Plants among others. This fluid usually works as 400 °F.

Sicelub Lubritech Group has background performing High Velocity Oil Flushing Services in Hot Oil System, when a fluid change is scheduled.

The innovation from our company is that we can perform on line filtration, at operational temperature with the following benefits:

  • It is no necessary to stop the system, which optimize production.
  • Fluid life is extended due to the contamination removal.

Firs job we performed in Argentina is an online Filtration to a Hot Oil System with 90,000 liters of fluid in a Gas Production Plant in the south of the country. We used a 100 GPM filtration skid, able to operate at high temperatures (up to 660 °F), and using filter elements with different β factors.

The Service was performed in Tierra del Fuego, parallel 52 South; for 15 days, starting with ISO Code of 26/24/21, reaching ISO Code 15/14/11, improving cleanliness in more than 500 times.

Our technicians involved in the job were Daniel Perez, Marcos Herrera, Andres Frezzini, y Rodrigo Coppiarolo; reporting to Martín Videla.

We would like to thank to our Customer and our team for their commitment. We share some pictures, and if you want to have additional information, please reach us at; send an email to; or write a WhatsApp message to +34 616 54 70 86.

January is usually a summer holyday month in Argentina and Brazil. In our Company, we have been working in both countries, and we want to share with you our news!

In Brazil, we performed a very important job in a big chemical plant in north of the country. The job was High Velocity Oil Flushing to an Alstom Turbo Generator. We performed cleaning in lubricating, control and jacking systems. Total of lubricant oil is 3,500 Gallons and for the service we used a 2,200 GPM unit, and Thermojet Oil Purifier.

We prepared and Engineering for bypasses and we were able to complete the scope before lead time. Our services were leaded by Alexandre Adao with other 3 lubrication technicians.

In the case of Argentina, we were performing the service in a Steel Mill Plant, where we performed Chemical Cleaning and High Velocity Flushing Services. We finished the job in the scheduled time. You can see a picture of “before” and “after” the cleaning.

We would like to thank to our Customer and our team for their commitment. We share some pictures, and if you want to have additional information, please reach us at; send an email to; or write a WhatsApp message to +34 616 54 70 86.

Lubritech Perú has successfully completed a Service of reservoir cleaning and lubricant Filtration in TG-01 in a Thermal Power Plant in Perú. More than 3,000 Gallons were extracted from the reservoir, filtered, and added to the reservoir after cleaning. In the attached pictures, dirty is observed in the reservoir prior to cleaning.

When an ISO Code of 16/14/10 (NAS 5) was reached, the job was completed.

Under this cleanliness level start up of the turbine is safer and operation is reliable, according to recommended by ASTM D-4378.

For this job we had 3 lubrication technicians, a 50 GPM filtration unit with β3 higher than 1,000.

Even during January, the team performed a Filtration to an Elliot turbo compressor in a Refinery to reach an ISO Code of 16/14/12. All the process was according to ASTM 6439-99, and we used a 20 GPM equipment with β3 higher than 1,000.

We would like to thanks to our team in Peru, and we go for more!