Lubritech Argentina SRL
Calle 80 N° 175 entre 116 y 117
Villa Elvira – La Plata – CP1900 – Buenos Aires – Argentina
Tel: +54 0221 4571457 / 4212232 / 4539725
Sicelub Ibérico SL
Calle Bratislava 65
30353 – Cartagena – Murcia – España
Tel: (+34) 968 541 042
Cel: (+34) 618 730 333 (sólo temas comerciales).
Lubritech Venezuela
Lubritech do Brasil
Alameda Plutão, 235
American Park Empresarial NR – Indaiatuba – São Paulo
Brasil – CEP 13347-656
Cel: + 55 (19) 3825-3669
Sicelub Italia
Sicelub Colombia Ltda
Sistemas Centrales de Lubricación
Patriotismo 359
Ciudad de México – 03800 – México
Oficina: + (52) 55 5528 5014
Móvil: + (52) 55 3232 1991
Móvil: + (52) 55 3988 4202
Lubritech Perú
Av. Dionisio Derteano 184 Of. 603
San Isidro, Lima Perú.
Contacto: +51997519459 / +5492214854670.
Trinidad & Tobago
Lubritech Caribbean
High Velocity Services in Spanish Refinery
In last months, our Company in Spain, Sicelub Ibérico, has performed several high velocity flushing services in different rotating equipment in a very important Refinery in Spain. Historically, we haven’t performed services in that Refinery because logistic conditions that increased our cost. During 2022, we put actions in place to improve these conditions and being more competitive. We have hired high qualified technician there and optimized our freight costs.
We have performed services in centrifugal compressor, air compressor and reciprocating compressor.
Since we were present in the refinery, we were able to sampling critical equipment and provide good information to our customer for their predictive maintenance agenda.
Commercial Management was performed by José Julián Gómez, and Operative Job oversaw by Aitor García, with our field technicians Javier Villar and Stan Ursaki. Our administrative and EHS staff supported the team in the field.
We would like to say thanks to our customer and recognize the job of our team. You can see some pictures below!
Maintenance Conference in Peru IPEMAN 22
Our Company, Lubritech Perú participated in the 22nd Conference of Engineering in Maintenance between Nov 17th and 19th in Lima, Peru. During this event, Lubritech Peru had a booth for introducing their solutions to the customers, and presented two interesting technical topics. A lot of attendants were present in the Conference and in our presentations.
Friday, Nov 18th, Mr. Cristian Schmid presented the topic “Varnish in Lubricating and Control Systems in Turbines” and Saturday Nov 19th, Mr. Roberto Romero presented the topic “Introduction to Oil Mist Lubrication”.
Both topics were very interesting for the attendants. Oil Mist started with its application in Peruvian Market recently with excellent results in Refineries, and varnish is a topic with high interest nowadays. The customers were looking for preventing and removing varnish techniques.
Our team in Perú was María Teresa, Marcos Meza, José Alejandro Zavala, Carlos Arévalo, Luis Yovera, Roberto Romero y Cristián Schmid.
We would like to say thanks to our employees customers and specially to IPEMAN for this opportunity to participate in this event.
We share with you some pictures and videos of this event!
Meetings in Spain
In October, Sicelub Iberico in Spain had the visit of Roberto Romero, Manager for Perú and Argentina, and Cristián Schmid, General Manager of Sicelub Lubritech Group. During this period, they had high level meetings with customers of Spain and Perú, they visited a very important Engineering, Procurement and Construction Company with projects worldwide to analyze potential collaborations in Oil Mist Projects, High Velocity Oil Flushing Services and Oil Purification for Turbomachinery.
They also had internal meetings with the Sicelub Ibérico team and visit the local delegations in Spain.
Sicelub Ibérico operates in Spain, and perform services in Portugal in Italy. We started 20 years ago, and we have installed more than 120 oil mist systems (more than 2.500 pumps lubricated with oil mist); supplied more than 30 Thermojet and ISOPur Oil Purifiers, and performed more than 300 High Velocity Oil Flushing. Most of the biggest projects at the same time from 2017.
We currently have presence with Delegations in Cartagena, Vizcaya, Tarragona and Puertollano.
We highlight that 2022 was a very important year, where our customers performed some delayed projects due to the pandemic, and we have been able to continue growing reaching the target in Safety, Quality and Environment. We had our first audit process and renewed our ISO Certificates.
We would like to say thanks to our customers, employees, suppliers and we expect to continue offering our value proposition under the highest Standards of Ethics and Conduct!