Lubritech Argentina SRL
Calle 80 N° 175 entre 116 y 117
Villa Elvira – La Plata – CP1900 – Buenos Aires – Argentina
Tel: +54 0221 4571457 / 4212232 / 4539725
Sicelub Ibérico SL
Calle Bratislava 65
30353 – Cartagena – Murcia – España
Tel: (+34) 968 541 042
Cel: (+34) 618 730 333 (sólo temas comerciales).
Lubritech Venezuela
Lubritech do Brasil
Alameda Plutão, 235
American Park Empresarial NR – Indaiatuba – São Paulo
Brasil – CEP 13347-656
Cel: + 55 (19) 3825-3669
Sicelub Italia
Sicelub Colombia Ltda
Sistemas Centrales de Lubricación
Patriotismo 359
Ciudad de México – 03800 – México
Oficina: + (52) 55 5528 5014
Móvil: + (52) 55 3232 1991
Móvil: + (52) 55 3988 4202
Lubritech Perú
Av. Dionisio Derteano 184 Of. 603
San Isidro, Lima Perú.
Contacto: +51997519459 / +5492214854670.
Trinidad & Tobago
Lubritech Caribbean
13 – Failure Reduction by Mechanical Seals
Here Heinz Bloch shows us a comparison of MTBF only of Mechanical Seals, for two similar Plants, one with conventional lubrication and another with Oil Mist lubrication.
But how is it possible that the application of oil mist produces benefits in reducing mechanical seal failures, if they are not exposed to oil mist lubrication? In our Company we have many experiences of introducing mist lubrication, and receiving the same feedback from the client, indicating that they do not have problems with bearings, but they do have problems with mechanical seals.
In this video fragment we will only mention that both the mechanical seal and the bearings are mounted on the same shaft; and that any improvement that we can apply to the bearing will influence the mechanical seal.
In a future video, we will explain this topic in more detail.
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12 – Pump Repairs.
This fragment shows in more detail the reduction in failures when mist lubrication is applied. Two similar plants with about 200 pumps each are compared. In one plant, the conventional oil bath lubrication method is used, and in another plant, mist lubrication is used. The number of repairs is much lower in the plant where mist lubrication is used. The reduction is approximately 90%, without a doubt, a very important benefit.
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11 – Oil Mist Lubrication Benefits
Here we summarize the benefits of the technology, or the value that it brings to users.
Although there are multiple benefits, Heinz Bloch highlights 4 here, which we consider to be the most important.
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