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Tel: (+34) 968 541 042
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Lubritech Venezuela
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Cel: + 55 (19) 3825-3669
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Sistemas Centrales de Lubricación
Patriotismo 359
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Oficina: + (52) 55 5528 5014
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Móvil: + (52) 55 3988 4202
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Av. Dionisio Derteano 184 Of. 603
San Isidro, Lima Perú.
Contacto: +51997519459 / +5492214854670.
Trinidad & Tobago
Lubritech Caribbean
06 – Stray Mist.
Here we will discuss the possibility of dispersed or stray mist during the application of the technology. Although there are completely closed mist lubrication systems, some applications were carried out with open systems, and it is possible that there is stray mist in the environment during the application. It is very important to note that there is an OSHA regulation that indicates that an operator working 8 hours straight cannot be exposed to more than 5 mg of mist per cubic meter of air.
In open systems, mist lubrication systems have a concentration much lower than that limit; and in Oil & Gas applications, there is never the situation of an operator working 8 hours straight on a pump with mist lubrication.
It is important to note that stray mist does not cause any problem and complies with the requirements of OSHA regulations.
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05 – Oil Mist Application to each equipment
This fragment shows in detail how oil mist is applied to the different bearings of centrifugal pumps. The mist that is transported by the main header reaches a manifold, from where different tubings can be derived with application to different points. In these derivations, reclassifiers are installed, which are devices specially designed to significantly increase the particle size of the mist; from about 3 microns up to 10 microns; and also to dose the appropriate amount of oil mist, according to the type of bearing; in order to provide the right amount of lubricant.
In the lower part of the graph, you can see how the mist is collected after having been lubricated, and it can be collected and recirculated again.
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04 – Oil Mist Lubrication Systems
In this video we can see in a summarized way what a mist lubrication system is like. We see the Oil Mist Generator Console, which is a cabinet with an oil tank, and two mist generators, one main and one auxiliary. This console has no moving parts to generate the mist; and it only works with instrument air and lubricating oil, generating a mixture of 200,000 parts of air to one of oil, which is then conducted through a pipe to the different application points.
Oil mist is transported through a main header, and in each equipment, it is applied by special dosing devices to each bearing of the pumps. After the mist is applied, it is collected by a system that condenses the oil again and it is returned to the console to be reused, forming a completely closed system.
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